Our Community

Our clients are your neighbor, your niece, the guy down the street or even a parent. They are Johnny, Bobby, Sue and Pete. They are people. People, who laugh, smile and cry, who are full of joys and fears like ourselves, and who just want to be included. People who want to feel the satisfaction of a job done well and who are willing to put in the effort to accomplish it; people who often work harder than you or I, simple because they have to. We can learn much from them.
The term disabled is often used in conjunction with a politically correct ideal but no matter what phrase one uses, all indicate an otherness from normal. At New Dimensions we choose to focus on the abled portion of dis-abled and we invite you to do the same, for in a flash of a moment a car wreck, a stroke, a side-effect from prescription medicine you, too, could become something other than our society’s version of normal.
Check out our Success Stories!
My Success Story: Joshua
Joshua joined our program in May 2023. At the time, Josh was unsure what type of job he would like but quickly landed a job as a dishwasher. He discovered this was not the job for him. Through our On-the-Job Work Interview grant program, Josh was able to explore a job as a cleaner for Old Town Gym. Josh found this to be a much better fit for him and was offered employment. He was initially hired to work three days a week but within a month was working five days per week. Roland at Old Town Gym stated: “Josh is an integral part of our morning team, collaborating with Theresa and our Head Cleaner, Amanda. Together with our other cleaning staff members, Josh plays a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness of our facility. His consistent effort and hard work don’t go unnoticed. Josh truly embodies the success we’ve achieved through our partnership with our friends at New Dimensions.”
My Success Story: Kevin |

Kevin was referred to New Dimensions to help find employment after being out of work for over 20 years. He was very motivated to work and was called for many interviews. Kevin was offered a job but only lasted a week due to his poor stamina. This was due to him being out of work for such an extended length of time. To help build stamina, Kevin participated in a work interview at a local hotel cleaning the common areas. After the first day, he decided this type of work was too taxing and asked to try a new location. Kevin’s second work interview location was a much better fit. Throughout the 40-hour work interview, Kevin was able to build his stamina and was offered a job! Kevin has been employed for 2 months. He says that he loves the job and the environment. He is grateful for the work interview program and feels this helped him to find the perfect job for him. |